Tuesday, June 28, 2005



Only two days to go now, eeeeeee! Packing has commenced, and will be revised tomorrow, given that Andy can't actually stand up when wearing his rucksack. "Nah Kate, I'll be fine," says Andy, bent over like an old man walking up a very steep hill. Yush.

brrrrrrrrrrrum bum buma numa bum bum buuunum.


Blogger Union Jackal said...

Travel light, buy and dump stuff as you go. It's not like you're setting off to hump through the bush for three weeks at a time, right? ;)
Knowing Andy's packing there's probably a gas-powered camp stove and half a dozen packs of instant ramen in there- they can safely be ditched. You should only need about a week's worth of clothing (long and short sleeves/legs are advised)- if you're away from the ability to wash your clothes for more than a week, you've gone native. ;)

9:36 am  
Blogger matt webb said...

Oooh, have fun! You can make a special entry for all the tropical diseases you get. :D

By the way, Andy, something arrived for you in the post, I assume that's the NTL thing. Should I just open it and send the permission letter back with it? My memory sucks. :)

1:17 pm  
Blogger Kate said...

Some good advice there Joe :D

@Matt: Typical, using MY I mean our weblog to ask such mundane questions. You should be ashamed of yourself. :P
Andy says yes.

5:41 pm  

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