Thursday, July 07, 2005

I have not got a brand new combine harvester, and I will not give you the key


We're currently in Montreal, one of the French speaking regions of Canada that is home to Quebec City, where we'll be going tomorrow.

Since the last update we've:

Seen the CN tower, the tallest free-standing structure in the world. Near the top you got to look through a glass floor straight down to the ground, which was pretty scary! We also decided it would be a fantastic idea to go for a swim at a semi-local outdoor pool. It was bloody freezing! Quite refreshing though, as it was a boiling day (about 35 celcius). In the evening we watched fireworks over the harbour at Lake Ontario as part of the Canada Day celebrations.

Been to Kingston and stayed on the Alexander Henry ship (docked), in what was once the crew's quarters. It was well funky, especially drinking out on the deck until the early hours. Our tour guide was wicked - crazy guy called Levi. Pictures uploaded soon.

Edit: now back in Toronto, here's what we did since then (less detailed than email I sent out, believe it or not...):

After Kingston we went to Montreal, on the way to which we went on a 'thousand island cruise' (literally a thousand mini islands consisting of a house and a few trees), and went to the Internationa Jazz Festival in Montreal which was AMAZING. I got drunk on the atmosphere (and the bottle of Sour Puss we snuck in there). One of the bands were called Champions and the G Strings, tee hee. Certainly hit my g string. We did some sightseeing the next day and felt all clever by memorising some facts about the cathedral, which I won't bore you with now (it's in the email anyway, ner). Unfortunately because we stopped off here we said goodbye to Levi and his dirty mind (at me, referring to a pink cruise pass: "now you haven't got a pink think have you... well, not one of these ones.")

Quebec City was the next stop and my favourite place in Canada so far. Gothic French architecture and really pretty. Narrow little streets and street entertainment, really nice boardwalk along the pier. Stayed here for some extra days because it rained. Hostel was wicked too - hotel standards. Mixed dorm for the first few nights too - always a bonus to be in the same one. We also found a wickedbad rock club here and, upon discovering that nobody dances to rock music in Canada, got drunk and went and danced ourselves, prompting a few other people to 'try it out'. Honestly, Canada, get with it dude.

I'll let Andy finish this bit in a while (not today though I don't think) because I'm exhausted from typing this in an email and now in here (I wanted separate ones in case I offended my semi-conservative family with any rude comments).

So all in all we're having a wicked time, and looking forward to doing Niagara Falls and the west of Canada following the train journey across the middle.

Ooh, and a Japanese girl kissed me, heheh.


Monday, July 04, 2005


Hi everyone.
Unfortunately we might not get much of a chance to update for a day or two because we're off to Kingston today.
We both have some good photos, but we're still yet to upload them.
I've been having a great time so far, and we've barely even started :)
Gotta go now, the bus should be here in about 5 minutes.