Tuesday, December 20, 2005

Fair Dinkum


Thought I'd update y'all on the trip that is to end soon - in three days, in fact! Can't quite believe it!

We're currently staying with some friends, Stuart and Janelle, in Perth (Western Australia), who we met on our trip in Canada. They're really nice Ozzie surfer/hippy guys (as in the loose term, i.e. not both men. Bygones.) and are really generous, taking us on a road trip around the south and to a crazy party out in the country where the theme was 'bad taste'. I wore red fishnets with tiny floral shorts and Andy wore a tight, feminine shirt from Karen Millen (Janelle's) and a tea cosy hat. We looked hot. Pictures will circulate at some point.

Unfortunately on the way to the party I gave mum a call as she had asked me to, and found out that my grandad had passed away :( Needless to say this was quite upsetting, but he died peacefully and without pain at the age of 94, so I'm grateful for that. We toasted him that night at the party.

I must get some drum lessons again when I get home. There was a live band at the party and later in the night it was open for anyone to play and I really wanted to, but was scared I'd be too crap! Not done it for so long. Having said that, the second drummer wasn't great at all, and Stu said he'd rather I'd played because he found it so hard to sing to that... erm... 'accompaniament'... (he's a music teacher and plays in a band. Janelle's a nurse).

At the moment Gypsy, their Maltese/Poodle (though Stu refuses to admit it) is curled at me feet, awwww. She's so shweeeet.

Did some more diving last week off Rottnest Island, was pretty cool. Only ten metres or so, but still saw some cool coral and fish. Saw a big bull ray too.

Just chilling out for the next few days and buying pressies for family, before we fly home on Friday. I'm coming down with the cold that Andy just got over, meh. Snuffle snuffle.

Hope you're all fine n dandy!

Yay, nearly Christmas! Fully sick!

edit:why is it my posts always look mahoosive compared to in the preview window?!