Thursday, October 13, 2005


We're currently 'doing' Sydney.
Kate is on a mission to make me more cultured - so she's been dragging me to lots of arty things. Plays at the Sydney Opera House and the Museum of Contemporary Art, but it has been a lot of fun :)
Measure for Measure was a dirty DIRTY DIRTY play.

Monday, October 10, 2005

How dirty are you?, Stolen from Vicki's blog.

My result:

You scored 88% Dirtiness!

Judging by your score, your mind is a wasteland of perversion and impurity. Congratulations! You are officially in possession of a dirty mind. You probably enjoy dirty jokes very much and appreciate the sexy things in life. Thinking about sex is something you do often, and you probably wonder why other people can't loosen up.

No surprise there, then...